Elusive, mythological creatures Fish of a thousand casts. If you’ve been out there in the cold, praying for a tug, you know what I mean. In fact, I’m sure there are many four letter [...]
Fall is in the air and the browns are starting to heat up! Recently My buddy and I went to Vail, Colorado to fish Gore Creek. Even though this a creek it can hold browns over 20 inches! I have [...]
The Problem With Autumn: Every year sportsman look forward to the fall months with great anticipation. September and October represent the start of big game and waterfowl hunting in the [...]
Catch Fly Designer and Northeast Sales Rep Bob Mallard has just released a book called “50 Best Places Fly Fishing the Northeast” (Stonefly Press). It covers New England, New York, New Jersey and [...]
Last weekend, CATCH staffer Alan Green and prospective CATCH designer Heather Hodson (she’s got a couple KILLER new patterns about to hit the books) went out for a little R&D on a [...]
Catching Trout on the Spokane River & Rock Creek, Montana Summer is here, and the Pro Staff and Fly Designers of CATCH Fly Fishing are hard at it in the Northwest testing bugs new and old to [...]
Southern Ohio does not seem like an ideal location to be if one is a fly fisherman; but the truth is it’s an awesome place to be. It is almost impossible to fish all of the lakes, ponds, rivers, [...]
How cool. We had no idea Winter Olympic downhill superstar Lindsey Vonn had it in her to pick up a fly rod, wet her waders and get after some trout in her off season! Good on you Lindsey Vonn! [...]
CATCH Fly Fishing is proud to announce that the leader of bringing Carp on the Fly, fly fishing to america is now exclusively carrying our patterns. Carp Pro now offers 10 patterns (with a lot [...]
We are happy to announce the introduction of 7 new CATCH Fly Fishing Fly Boxes to our line up of extraordinary products. We would love to tell you that these boxes are the greatest ever! But [...]